Reviewers should consider the following key points related to scientific content, quality and presentation of the papers:

Technical Criteria

  • Scientific merit: notably scientific rigour, accuracy and correctness
  • Clarity of expression; communication of ideas; readability and discussion of concepts
  • Sufficient discussion of the context of the work, and suitable referencing

Quality Criteria

  • Originality: Is the work relevant and novel?
  • Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results
  • Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published?
  • Length: Is the content of the work of sufficient scientific interest to justify its length?

Presentation Criteria

  • Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article?
  • Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service?
  • Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear?
  • Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be removed
  • Conclusion: Does the paper contain a clear conclusion. The conclusion should summarise what has been learned and why it is interesting and useful?
