The peer review of papers published in the IOP Conference Series titles is managed by the organizers and proceedings editors.
The detailed procedures will vary from event to event according to the custom and practice of each community. Our publishing agreements require peer review to be undertaken in accordance with the principles outlined below.
All organizers/editors must complete a form describing how the papers were peer reviewed. This information will be published as part of the proceedings.
Peer review must be conducted through our platform unless another method is agreed with the journal team. IOP Publishing reserves the right to request peer review reports at any time.
All conferences are requested to adhere to the following minimum standards:

  • Unbiased consideration is given to all papers. Papers are considered regardless of the race, gender, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship or political philosophy of the authors
  • No terminology will be used that, in the opinion of IOP Publishing, is offensive or might be perceived to be offensive to others
  • Authors and Editors agree to comply with our ethical policy
  • IOP Publishing has the right to investigate any suspicions and/or allegations of misconduct
  • Submission and peer review must be conducted in English.
  • Reviewers shall give a clear statement of recommendation for each paper. Comments must be included to support their recommendation. These comments should be suitable for transmission to the author 
  • Editors and Organisers shall only accept papers where there is clear support from the reviewers

Conference papers must meet all the usual standards of quality for an IOP Publishing publication. However, reviewers will take into account the nature of conference papers. Review papers are also welcomed and accepted. Reviewers will consider background papers more favourably than would be normal for a regular paper. These allowances shall not go so far as to approve papers of low scientific standard. Papers that have been published in written form elsewhere should not be considered.  
